Archive for ‘Books’

July 7, 2015

Summer Reading: Graeme Simson and David Rakoff

I’ve been sitting outside in the shade and reading The Rosie Project by Graeme Simson (Fast read from VPL – didn’t help that I left it in a friend’s car after going to Ruth Meta’s Floral and Hardy Shop last night to hear Susan Musgrave and Stephen Reid) and just finished Love, Dishonor, Marry, Die, Cherish, Perish by David Rakoff – started last night after losing Rosie. LDMDCP is illustrated by Seth – saw Seth’s Dominion at DOXA.

What are you reading or watching?

I’d get more energetic and do a rain dance if I thought it would help, but reading seems a lovely distraction away from the woes of our province, nation and world.

How are you keeping woes at arm’s length? or are you?